Use a straight-edge clipper to ensure nails do not become curved, which can lead to painful ingrown. (See a podiatrist if you develop one.)
Emery boards are extremely porous and trap germs that can spread, so don’t share files with friends, and replace your board every few months.
Apply cream after a shower when feet are softened. For cracked heels, try Amlactin 12% lotion ($12;, which contains high amounts of lactic acid, or Ureacin-20 cream (#16; 800-773-4665 for stores), another potent exfoliant that can slough away hardened patches to expose a smooth new surface.
Avoid Blisters and sore feet by wearing Airplus Invisigel inserts ($5), which fit into any shoe, or Dr. Scholl’s Air-Pillow cushions ($6); both at drugstores.